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Round Slings

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We manufacture round slings in accordance to to EN 1492-2:2000 and ASME B 30.9 from 100% polyester. The outer cover is a seamless polyester sleeve of double thickness construction and has an excellent abrasion resistance. The core consists of a continuous hank of high tenacity polyester yarn (see illustration) which is immensely strong and durable. Inner core with Markings is also available to discard the round sling when torn.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Chain Electric Hoists, Chain Pulley Blocks Model (Spark Proof), Conductor Cable Pulling, Crane, Cranes, Cranes Mfgrs. And Dealers, Dunnage Bags, Eot Cranes, Eot Cranes Mfgrs. And Dealers, Eye And Eye Round Slings, Fall Protection Device, Four Way Chain With Hook, Garmount, Garsafe Safety Nets, Glass Handlers, Heavy Duty Wire Rope Hoist, Higher Lift Wire Rope Hoist, Hoists, Hoists Mfgrs. And Dealers, Hot Line Stringing, Indef M Electric Travelling Trolley, Intelligent Storage Retrieval And Material Handling Solutions, Lifting And Material Handling, Medium Duty Chain Electric Hoist Baby, Medium Duty Wire Rope Hoist, Mooring And Towing, Mooring Ropes, Multilegged Slings, Pipe Line Lifters, Power Transmission, Products, Round Slings, S. L. R Four Leg Chain With Hook, S. L. R Single Leg Chain With Hook And Hook, S. L. R. Three Leg Chain With Hook, Shipping, Sleeves For Lifting Slings, Slithering, Submersible Pumps, Sugar Slings, Three Leg Chain With Hook, Triple Spur Gear Chain Pulley Block Model M, Web Slings